Aprender con Kolibri

Abrir Kolibri


  • Si usas Kolibri en tu escuela, centro o instalación, tu tutor o administrador proporcionará las instrucciones cómo abrir la página de inicio de sesión, nombre de usuario y la contraseña si fuera necesario.
  • If you are using Kolibri on your own, outside an education center or facility, follow the instructions how to Abrir Kolibri according to your operating system.
  • If you don’t have an account, but Kolibri at your facility or home is set up to allow learners to create their own, follow the steps to create one for yourself.

Captions for the video are available in English, French, Swahili, Arabic, Hindi, Marathi and Brazilian Portuguese.

Sign in to Kolibri

Para iniciar sesión de Kolibri seguir estos pasos:

  1. Click the SIGN IN button if you already have an account and the username.

    Input your username and password (if required) on the main sign in page.

    Main Kolibri sign in page.

    If you have used the same device before, you may see the field to directly type in your username and password (if required) on the main sign in page.

    If the device you are using has more than one facility, you will have to select the facility (for example you school name) that your account is associated with, and only then input your username and password (if required).

    Select facility on the Kolibri sign in page.


Si empiezas viendo Kolibri como invitado, tienes que seleccionar la opción Iniciar sesión del menú en la esquina superior derecha, o desde el menú de la barra lateral (izquierda o inferior) para abrir la página de inicio de sesión.

Open the sidebar to access the sign in link.

Enlace «Iniciar sesión» en la barra lateral.

Open the user menu to access the sign in link.

Enlace «Iniciar sesión» en el menú de usuario.

Once you have signed in to Kolibri, you can see and edit your user data from the Profile option: access it from the main sidebar menu (below Learn), or from the user menu.


If your account has been created prior to version 0.13 of Kolibri, you will see a notification that you can update your profile to provide your birth year and gender. This information is optional, and you can choose not to provide it.

  • Click the Usage and privacy link to read more information about who will have access to your personal information.
  • Click the UPDATE button if you choose to provide it.
Para salir de Kolibri puedes:
  • Click the to open the user menu in the upper right corner, and select the Sign out option.
  • Click the (menu) button in the upper left corner to open the sidebar, and select the Sign out option.

Create an account

To create your own account on a Kolibri facility and start learning, follow these steps:

  1. Click the CREATE AN ACCOUNT button on Kolibri sign in page.

  2. Type in your chosen username and password (twice).

  3. If there is more than one facility on the server device, make sure that the one where you want to create an account is visible under the Facility heading. If it is not, use the browser back button, and select the correct facility first.

  4. Click the Usage and privacy link to read more information about who will have access to your personal information.

  5. Click the CONTINUE button.

  6. Select your birth year and gender. This information is optional, and you can choose not to provide it.

  7. Click the FINISH button.

When page reloads you will see the Learn page with Kolibri channels.


Make sure to remember your username and password, or save them in a safe place!

Aprender con Kolibri


Each time you sign in to Kolibri, the first thing you will see is the Learn page with the list of all the classes you are enrolled to.

Below the list of classes you will see some recommended resources from your classes to continue learning, as well as recent lessons and quizzes assigned in your classes. Select one of your classes to access the full list of lessons and quizzes, that teachers or coaches prepared for your class.

In each class you are enrolled to you may find one or more lessons and quizzes.


Use the Library tab to navigate through the channels with learning materials available in Kolibri. You can browse it as you wish, or according to indications from your teachers and coaches.

Depending on how your school and teachers or coaches decided to organize the materials, you may have one or more channels available here. Follow the indications by your teachers or coaches on how to use the resources from each available channel.

Types or activities

You may see different types of icons for activities available in Kolibri channels, and you can easily distinguish them by their icons:

  • Watch for videos
  • Listen for audio
  • Practice for exercises
  • Read for PDF and ePUB documents
  • Explore for interactive apps

When you start doing an exercise, viewing a video, or reading a document, it will be marked with the (in-progress) icon. Once you finish viewing a video or complete the exercise, they will be marked with the (completed) icon.

Progress status for each learning material will be indicated together with their title.

Progress indicator icons for learning resources.


Los ejercicios Kolibri pueden requerir que hagas diferentes cosas: introducir un número que falta, escribir una fórmula, seleccionar una de las opciones disponibles, etcétera. Para cada respuesta correcta obtienes una marca de verificación, y mayoría de los ejercicios requieren 5 respuestas correctas de fila para quedar completados. Algunos ejercicios pueden ofrecer una o más pistas, para ayudarte a resolver el problema.

Independiente de la acción requerida (escribir una respuesta o elegir una de las opciones ofrecidas), estos son los pasos a seguir.

  1. Leer la pregunta atentamente.

  2. Escribe la respuesta o elige una de las opciones ofrecidas.

  3. When you are ready to submit, click the CHECK button.

    • When the answer is correct and a (correct) icon appears in the progress bar below the exercise, click the NEXT button to proceed.
    • If the answer is incorrect, read the question again, and try another answer. You can also click the USE A HINT link, read the suggestions, and try to answer again.
    • The progress bar below the exercise is taking into account only the most recent answers you give, which means that you need to have the required number of (correct) icons in the row for the exercise to be considered completed.
    If the exercise requires 5 green check marks, you must provide 5 correct answers one after another.

    Las respuestas correctas en la imagen no están en fila; este ejercicio será completado solo después que hayas dado 5 respuestas correctas una después de otra.

  4. Once you have achieved the required number of correct answers in a row, you will be rewarded points, and see the suggestion to continue. Click the card under the Next resource heading below to continue learning with the rest of the material in that topic.

  5. Si ni consigues resolver algunas preguntas, intenta revisar los demás vídeos en esa sección, o pedir ayuda a tus compañeros, profesores o tutores.


Every time you complete a resource (finish viewing a video, reading a document, or when you achieve the required number of correct answers in an exercise), you will be rewarded points .

You can keep track of the total points you have in the upper right corner, near the user menu.

Total points will also be visible on your profile page: access it from the main sidebar menu (below Learn), or from the user menu.

Captions for the video are available in English, French, Swahili, Arabic, Hindi, Marathi and Brazilian Portuguese.

Video and audio player options

Para reproducir vídeos y escuchar archivos de audio en Kolibri tienes varios botones de control disponibles en la parte inferior de la ventana del reproductor. Mueve el cursor o toca la ventana del reproductor para que aparezcan los botones de control durante la reproducción.

Reproductor de audio y vídeo en Kolibri.

(controles en la parte inferior del reproductor)

  • Reproducir/Pausar
  • Botones de rebobinado y avance rápido de 10 segundos
  • Indicador de tiempo con la barra de progreso
  • Indicador de duración de vídeo
  • Barra de desplazamiento de volumen
  • Selector de velocidad de reproducción
  • Display closed captions (subtitles) and interactive transcript
  • Botón de pantalla completa
Interactive video transcript

When a video has captions available, you can choose to view them at the bottom of the player, or open them as an interactive transcript.

  1. Click the CC button at the bottom of the player and select Transcript.
  2. Scroll up and down the transcript and click on the chosen timestamp to navigate more easily between various video sections.

Kolibri allows you to navigate videos using the captions inside the transcript.

PDF viewer options


Opciones para visualizar archivos PDF dependerán del navegador y sistema operativo que usas para ver Kolibri.

  • Use the (fullscreen) button in the upper right corner to open the ebook in fullscreen view.

  • With the + and - buttons you can zoom the document in and out.

  • Use the Esc key or the (fullscreen exit) button to close the fullscreen view and return.

  • Use the DOWNLOAD RESOURCE button below the PDF viewer to download the PDF file to your computer.

Ebook viewer options

To read digital books in Kolibri you have several available controls inside the reader.

  • Use the (list) button in the upper left corner to view the table of content with all the book chapters.

  • Click the (preferences) button to adjust the text size and the background color.

  • If you want to search for a word or a phrase, use the (search) button.

  • Use the (fullscreen) button in the upper right corner to open the ebook in fullscreen view.

  • Close the fullscreen view with the Esc key or the (fullscreen exit) button.

  • Navigate through the book pages with (previous page) and (next page) buttons, or with the slider control at the bottom.

  • Use the DOWNLOAD RESOURCE button below the viewer to download the ePub file to your computer.

Slideshow viewer options

To navigate the slides of a slideshow, you may use the on-screen navigation controls or your keyboard’s arrow keys.

  • Use the (fullscreen) button in the upper right corner to open the ebook in fullscreen view.
  • Navigate the slides with the left arrow (←) or the right arrow (→) keys on your keyboard, or the (previous page) and (next page) buttons on the side of the slideshow.
  • You can choose a specific slide by clicking the round icons at the bottom of the slideshow view.



Your teacher or coach may prepare a lesson, a recommended set of learning materials for you or your class to view. You may have more than one lesson available at the time in the Classes tab, below the Lessons heading.

Click on a lesson title to open its materials, and follow the indications of your teachers or coaches on how to use them.


If your teacher or coach scheduled an quiz for you or your class, it will be available in the Classes tab, under the Quizzes heading. You may have more than one quiz available at the time.

If the quiz is listed as Not started, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the quiz when you are ready to start taking it.

  2. You can go on answering the questions in the order you prefer: move through questions with PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons, or click on the question number in the column on the left side.

  3. Cada vez que escribes una respuesta, o seleccionas una de las opciones ofrecidas, la pregunta quedará marcada por un punto colorado en la columna a la izquierda.

  4. Puedes revisar y corregir todas tus respuestas tantas veces que quieras antes de entregar el examen.

  5. Press the Back to quiz list if you want to pause the quiz and come back later.

  6. Press the button SUBMIT QUIZ when you want to submit it for grading.

A quiz that you did not yet submit will be marked with the (in-progress) icon, so you can easily recognize it, and click to resume when you are ready.

Once you complete and submit a quiz, it will be marked with the (completed) icon, but you can still click on it to see the score and review the report with your answers.


Usar la casilla de verificación Mostrar la respuesta correcta para visualizar la respuesta a las preguntas que no respondiste correctamente.