Manage quizzes

You can view, create and delete quizzes, as well as assign them to learners, using the Quizzes sub-tab in the Plan tab of your Coach dashboard. The default view displays the list of all quizzes in a selected class, with indicators of their visibility status and groups they are assigned to.


To manage Quizzes in Kolibri classes and groups you must sign in as coach, admin or super admin.

Captions for the video are available in English, French, Swahili, Arabic, Hindi, Marathi and Brazilian Portuguese.

Create new quiz

To create a new quiz, click the NEW QUIZ button.

  • Fill in the field for the quiz title in the Create new quiz page.

  • Adjust the number of questions you want the quiz to contain. You can use the arrow field value modifiers with the mouse, or - and + buttons if you are using the keyboard.

  • Navigate through the topic tree and activate checkboxes of those exercises you want to include in the quiz.

    As you keep adding and removing the exercises you will see confirmation messages at the bottom.

  • Use the Search feature to look for topics and exercises about a specific subject. Write the search term in the field, press the ENTER key or click the (search) button to display the results.

    There are 3 filters available to refine the search; click to open each and select one of the options.

    You can filter the search results by type of resource (exercise or topic), include only those from a specific channel, or exclude resources for coaches. Click EXIT SEARCH button to return to main quiz view.

  • When you finish selecting resources, click CONTINUE button to preview the quiz.


    Beware that if you click the GO BACK button, you will exit the quiz builder and loose the resource selection.

  • You can choose between Randomized and Fixed question order.

    • To present the questions in a different (random) order to each learner, select Randomized.
    • To present the same (fixed) question order to all learners, select Fixed. You can reorder the questions by using the (drag) button with the mouse (drag and drop), or with (up) and (down) buttons if you navigate by keyboard.
  • Use the option Choose a different set of questions to obtain an alternative selection of questions to display.

  • When you are satisfied with the question order click the FINISH button, and you will see a confirmation notification at the bottom.

Change quiz recipients

Newly created quizzes are by default visible to entire class. To change quiz Recipients, that is select groups or individual learners instead of the whole class, follow these steps.

  1. Select the desired quiz from the list in the Quizzes subtab.
  2. Click the OPTIONS button and select the Edit details option.
  3. Select the learners and groups to whom you wish to assign the quiz under the Recipients heading.
  4. Click SAVE CHANGES to confirm, or CANCEL to exit without change.

Start and end quiz

Newly created quizzes are by default not started, meaning that learners will not see it in the Learn > Classes view.

  • Click the START QUIZ button to enable learners to see the quiz and start answering the questions. Button will change color and label to indicate that the quiz is now opened for learners, and can be ended.

  • Click the END QUIZ button once the designated time had passed, and you want to stop learners from interacting with it.


You can also start and end the quiz from its Report page, and the list in the Reports > Quizzes subtab.

Copy quiz

To copy a quiz to a different group or another class, follow these steps.

  1. Select the desired quiz from the list in the Quizzes subtab.
  2. Click OPTIONS and select Copy quiz.
  3. Select the class to which you wish to copy the quiz to and click CONTINUE.
  4. Select the entire class, groups or inidividual learners to whom you wish to assign the quiz under the Assign quiz to heading.
  5. Click COPY to confirm, or CANCEL to exit without change.

If the quiz is copied to another group in the same class, it will appear in the Quizzes tab as the Copy of…. Follow the steps in the next section to rename it.

Rename quiz

To rename quiz, follow these steps.

  1. Click OPTIONS for the desired quiz and select Edit details option.
  2. Change the quiz title in the confirmation window.
  3. Click SAVE CHANGES to confirm, or CANCEL to exit without renaming the quiz.

Delete quiz

To delete quiz, follow these steps.

  1. Click OPTIONS for the desired quiz and select Delete option.
  2. Click DELETE in the confirmation window to proceed, or CANCEL to exit without deleting the quiz.


All data from the quiz you are deleting will be lost.