
You can edit facility configuration settings in Kolibri from the Settings tab in your Facility dashboard. Remember that you can also configure Device settings.


If you have more than one facility on the device, you must first select a facility. Click on the name of the facility from the list to access its settings.

After clicking the Facility option in the sidebar, select which one you want to work on.

Select a facility to access the configuration settings.


To manage facility settings in Kolibri you must sign in as admin or super admin.

  1. Activar las opciones que deseas poner a disposición de los usuarios de tus instalaciones. Tienes la posibilidad de permitir a los usuarios:

    • editar sus nombres completos y nombres de usuario
    • sign in without password (only learners)
    • download resources (videos, documents, etc.) on their own devices
    • create accounts on your facility
  2. Click SAVE CHANGES to apply and finish.

    Open Facility page, navigate to Settings tab, and use the checkboxes to activate or deactivate the available options.

    Manage facility configuration settings.

Rename facility

To edit facility name, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Edit link next to the facility name.
  2. Write the new name in the Facility name field.
  3. Click SAVE to confirm the edited information, or CANCEL to exit without saving.


Only the facility name will be changed, and the new name will be synced and updated on other devices linked to this facility.